Art and Design Equipment Cage: Spring 2021 Dates

Dear Art and Design Cheqroom Users,

We will be offering contactless pickup of equipment for the Spring Semester in the CSB Lobby on the following dates. Please note that all visits require a reservation and confirmation from Art and Design Staff as well as approval from our Mason Gross Facilities Director. These are not drop in-hours and there will be no equipment loans without a reservation.

If you are in a Media, Design or Photo course, or if you are a thesis or grad student, you should have received your invite.  If you need access to Cheqroom please contact Damian Catera at . 

 All reservations must be confirmed 2 business days in advance. This is a complex, multilayered process. It is strongly encouraged for students to start the reservation process 1 week before your intended appointment.

Equipment ‘Cage’ CSB Lobby Dates for Spring  2021:

Wednesday January 20:  10am-6pm
Thursday January 21: 10am-6pm
Wednesday January 27: 9am-12pm
Monday February 1:  9am-12pm
Friday February 12:  9am-12pm
Tuesday February 16: 10am-6pm
Wednesday February 17: 10am-6pm
Monday February 22:  9am-12pm
Wednesday March 3: 9am-12pm
Monday March 8:  9am-12pm


Thursday March 25: 10am-6pm
Friday March 26:  10am-6pm
Wednesday March 31: 10am-6pm 
Monday April 5: 9am-12pm
Wednesday April 14: 9am-12pm
Wednesday April 21: 10am-6pm 
Thursday April 22: 10am-6pm 
Mon April 26:  9am-12pm 
Tuesday May 4: 10am-6pm 
Wednesday May 5: 10am-6pm 
Wednesday May 12: 9am-12pm

Equipment Reservation/ Pickup Procedure

1-Reserve your equipment via our Cheqroom application. A confirmation will be sent with  the specific date and time of your pickup appointment.

2-Reserve your access to the building by emailing our facilities Director Kevin Viscarello Make sure to list the reason for your visit, the specific date, time, 

and location of your visit as well as the intended duration of your visit. Signouts should not take more than 5-10 minutes. This needs to be done 2 business days prior to your visit.

Please make sure to look at the hours of availability for that specific date (listed above) when making your request. 

3-Once you receive confirmation from Kevin, you can schedule and plan your visit. 

4-About 30-90 minutes before your arrival, you will need to go to this website and check in answering all of the questions:

5-Also, you must go to and apply for your campus pass.

6-Make sure to install the Cheqroom app on your phone so that you can digitally sign your checkout agreement when you come to pick up your gear. 

7-You will not be allowed into CSB unless you are wearing a face mask!

8-Upon arrival for your confirmed and approved appointment, someone will be in the CSB lobby to hand you your equipment. Please note that you cannot make any last minute changes or additions once your reservation is confirmed. 

9-When returning equipment, you must go through all of these confirmations and approvals again.

Failure to adhere to any of these guidelines will result in you not being allowed into the building for equipment check outs!

Day With(out) Art 2020

Mason Gross School of the Arts is proud to be partnering with the Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers Global, and the Rutgers School of Public Health to present special programming throughout the day on Tuesday, Dec. 1 for Visual AIDS’ Day With(out) Art 2020 (full schedule below). Art & Design will be presenting TRANSMISSIONS, a program of six new videos considering the impact of HIV and AIDS beyond the United States on a continuous loop from 10am-7pm on bringing together artists working across the world: Jorge Bordello (Mexico), Gevi Dimitrakopoulou (Greece), Las Indetectables (Chile), George Stanley Nsamba (Uganda), Lucía Egaña Rojas (Chile/Spain), and Charan Singh (India/UK).

As the world continues to adapt to living with a new virus, COVID-19, these videos offer an opportunity to reflect on the resonances and differences between the two epidemics and their uneven distribution across geography, race, and gender.

TUES: December 1, all day schedule
Join us for live virtual programming during Art Before/After Hours on December 1 to mark Day With(out) Art/World AIDS Day and celebrate Thomas Sokolowski, the Zimmerli’s late director, who passed away in May. Since 1989, Day With(out)Art has served as a national day of action and mourning in response to the HIV/AIDS crisis initiated by Visual AIDS, an organization that Sokolowski helped found.
§ 9:00am – The Zimmerli is hosting a live Zoom screening of TRANSMISSIONS Please note: the video program contains explicit content.
§ Throughout the Day – Look for special content on the Zimmerli’s online platforms honoring Tom Sokolowski.
§ 7:00pm – A live Zoom panel on the historical and contemporary intersections of HIV/AIDS advocacy and the arts, with a special emphasis on the role Tom Sokolowski played in founding Visual AIDS. Visual artist and Mason Gross professor Jeanine Oleson will moderate a conversation between Nelson Santos, an artist, curator, and former director of Visual AIDS; Allen Frame, a photographer and writer who has long worked with Visual AIDS; Dr. Perry N. Halkitis, Dean of the Rutgers School of Public Health, and Donna Gustafson, the Zimmerli’s Curator of American and Modern Art, Mellon Director of Academic Programs, and currently the museum’s interim director.

Click here for details and registration links

This program is presented in lead collaboration with Rutgers Global, Mason Gross School of the Arts, and Rutgers School of Public Health, with the additional support of Rutgers Student Health, Rutgers Global Health Institute, Rutgers Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities, and the Office of the Chancellor, Rutgers – New Brunswick.

OPEN CALL: Anti-matters

OPEN CALL: Anti-matters
Antimatter is matter composed of the antiparticles (or “partners”) of the corresponding particles of “ordinary” matter. Anti-matters features works loosely related to science fiction, that are de-materialized, unfinished, craft, idea, belief, or cultural object from the future. This show will bring opposition to the fetishization of “fine art” and asks “What matters most to us that is left out of the art gallery capitalist bargain but most important to our current society?” The gallery will make space for the futures projects, and to bring artists together within the Mason Gross community who imagine imminent worlds that expand out of our current political system. Sci-fi and themes of futurism opens possibilities based in the future that embodies art for culture’s sake. Art for belief.

Submissions are limited to 5 images per artist. Images should be sized at 2000px on the long side, 72 DPI. If selected and necessary, artists will be asked to provide higher resolution images. Please create a zip file with your image files, and a list of works including your name, title, date, and size. Be sure to include your name in the title of the zip file as well.
Upload your materials to:

Submissions are due Monday, November 30 at 11:59pm.

Due to the size of the exhibition, we will try our best to take all artist who apply.

Any questions, please email Gabe Sacco

Cheqroom DaTES And Guidelines

Dates and Guidelines for Equipment Checkout via Cheqroom

Dear Art and Design Cheqroom Users,


We will be offering contactless pickup of equipment for the Fall Semester in the CSB Lobby on the following dates. Please note that all visits require a reservation and confirmation from Art and Design Staff as well as approval from our Mason Gross Facilities Director. These are not drop in-hours and there will be no equipment loans without a reservation.

If you are in a Media, Design or Photo course, or if you are a thesis or grad student, you should have received your invite.  If you need access to Cheqroom please contact Damian Catera at . 


All reservations must be confirmed 2 business days in advance. This is a complex, multilayered process. It is strongly encouraged for students to start the reservation process 1 week before your intended appointment.


Equipment ‘Cage’ CSB Lobby Dates for Fall 2020:


Thursday September 10: 10am-6pm

Thursday September 17: 9am-12pm

Monday September 21: 12:30pm-6pm

Tuesday September 29: 10am-6pm

Wednesday October 7: 10am-6pm

Thursday October 15: 9am-3pm

Friday October 23: 10am-5pm

Monday October 26: 10am-6pm

Tuesday November 3: 10am-6pm

Wednesday November 11: 12:30pm-6pm

Thursday November 19: 9am-3pm

Tuesday November 24: 10am-6pm

Monday November 30: 10am-6pm

Tuesday December 8: 9am-3pm

Wednesday December 16: 12:30-6pm


Equipment Reservation/ Pickup Procedure


1-Reserve your equipment via our Cheqroom application. A confirmation will be sent with  the specific date and time of your pickup appointment.


2-Reserve your access to the building by emailing our facilities Director Kevin Viscarello Make sure to list the reason for your visit, the specific date, time, 

and location of your visit as well as the intended duration of your visit. Signouts should not take more than 5-10 minutes. This needs to be done 2 business days prior to your visit.

Please make sure to look at the hours of availability for that specific date (listed above) when making your request. 


3-Once you receive confirmation from Kevin, you can schedule and plan your visit. 


4-About 30-90 minutes before your arrival, you will need to go to this website and check in answering all of the questions:


5-Also, you must to to and apply for your campus pass.


6-Make sure to install the Cheqroom app on your phone so that you can digitally sign your checkout agreement when you come to pick up your gear. 


7-You will not be allowed into CSB unless you are wearing a face mask!


8-Upon arrival for your confirmed and approved appointment, someone will be in the CSB lobby to hand you your equipment. Please note that you cannot make any last minute changes or additions once your reservation is confirmed. 


9-When returning equipment, you must go through all of these confirmations and approvals again.


Failure to adhere to any of these guidelines will result in you not being allowed into the building for equipment check outs!



Distance Learning with Adobe Creative Cloud

As a result of campus closure, student access to Adobe Creative Cloud in our labs is not available. The Art & Design Department has provided access to desktop apps for impacted students and faculty, so that they can continue their work remotely. Please follow the instructions below to enable access to Creative Cloud Desktop Apps on your personal device.

Adobe will be provided to students enrolled in classes where it is required.

Students who have filled out the Adobe Request form provided by their instructors can now log in with their account

Visit and enter your in the email address field.

If prompted, select Company or School Account and you will be automatically redirected to the Rutgers CAS login page.

Once successfully authenticated to the Creative Cloud website, browse for and download your desired app. Click Apps on the top of the page to view all apps.

For more information on how to download or install apps, see Download and Install Creative Cloud apps.

For Higher Education students to continue developing skills, Adobe offers free “Daily Creative Challenges”. These are guided projects where participants receive creative prompts and connect with pros, mentors, and other students for feedback and support. Click on the app name to learn more: Photoshop, XD and Illustrator. Also, for inspiration and over-the-shoulder learning, watch pros share their creative process on Adobe Live daily at

For faculty seeking to engage students during campus closures, Adobe has curated resources to help them discover inspiring projects, best practices, and new ideas so they can continue to drive valuable learning in virtual environments. For more information on Adobe’s distance learning resources please click here.


According to the CDC, there is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. The CDC recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.  We recommend the following precautions given common use of our Computer Labs in Art & Design.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth –ESPECIALLY while using Computer Labs.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) for 20 seconds before and after use of Computer Labs.  Hand sanitizer is available in each lab for your use.
  • FOOD & DRINK is prohibited in labs at all times. Please do not eat while at computer stations, and use common lounge /areas instead.
  • Avoid close contact with those who are sick.
  • If you are feeling sick, please stay home.


Wednesday, March 4, 10:00am–1:00pm
CSB 218C

Gregor Huber is a co-founder of Huber/Sterzinger (formerly Glashaus), a collaborative design practice based in Zurich, Switzerland.

Past projects include Yto Barrada, The Dye Garden, Edition Digital Culture Nr. 6 – Virtual Reality, and A Pyrotechnic Display of Creativity (recipient of the Swiss Design Awards 2009).

On A Pyrotechnic Display of Creativity, Au­re­lia Müller noted:

“Gre­gor Huber is re­spon­si­ble for the con­tent, con­cept and de­sign of the Rote Fab­rik news­pa­per and has been awarded a Swiss Fed­eral De­sign Grant in recog­ni­tion of his graphic de­sign for the years 2007 – 2009. The news­pa­per, which ap­pears ten times a year, pro­vides in­for­ma­tion on the pro­gramme of events at the Rote Fab­rik in Zurich, a for­mer fac­tory turned al­ter­na­tive arts cen­tre. It also ad­dresses a wide range of top­i­cal is­sues. Al­though it fo­cuses more on the role of this his­tor­i­cally left-wing in­sti­tu­tion as an on­go­ing pro­ject rather than on any ide­o­log­i­cal dogma, ac­cord­ing to the graphic artist, the news­pa­per can and does take a po­lit­i­cal stance.”
“The themes tra­di­tion­ally as­so­ci­ated with the al­ter­na­tive arts scene are de­lib­er­ately re­placed by cur­rent top­ics. In one issue, for in­stance, the news­pa­per ex­plores ‘Wis­sen und Be­denken’ [Knowl­edge and Mis­giv­ings]. In an­other, it looks at the Wikipedia Gen­er­a­tion and the rise of half-knowl­edge. Under the head­ing ‘Fo­cused on you and your needs’, the ques­tion of sur­vival in a cor­po­rate world is dis­cussed, while an issue de­voted to ‘Selb­stveröffentlichung’ [Self-pub­li­ca­tion] is all about pri­vacy and the quest for iden­tity in a mass-me­dia so­ci­ety. What is par­tic­u­larly re­mark­able about this news­pa­per is the way it merges con­tent and form: in this issue, a Face­book-style lay­out is used to con­vey all the in­for­ma­tion gath­ered on­line and col­lated to form the fic­ti­tious per­sonal pro­file of a so-called Mr Rolf Müller.”
“The key to the graphic de­sign of the Rote Fab­rik news­pa­per is that it re­sponds specif­i­cally to the cur­rent theme of each issue and is freely adapted to suit the topic rather than hav­ing to fol­low a pre­scribed for­mat. This tai­lor-made ap­proach means that the de­sign of each issue is unique, brim­ming with ideas and in­vari­ably full of all sorts of sur­pris­ing and un­ex­pected graphic so­lu­tions.”
“Gre­gor Huber notes how im­por­tant it is for him to be on the look­out for new, ex­per­i­men­tal ways of get­ting the mes­sage across. He has cer­tainly proved that amply in his de­sign for the news­pa­per. The pos­i­tively py­rotech­nic dis­play of cre­ative ideas in his use of dif­fer­ent styles, to­gether with his metic­u­lously ex­e­cuted and highly var­ied so­lu­tions make him a de­serv­ing win­ner of this award.”

DESIGN LECTURE SERIES: Federico Pérez Villoro

Wednesday, February 26, 10:00am–1:00pm
CSB 218C

Federico Pérez Villoro is an artist and researcher living between Mexico City and New York. Through texts, performances, and digital artifacts, Federico explores the materiality of language and the impact of technology in socio-political behavior. His work has been exhibited internationally and published by Printed Matter, C Magazine, Gato Negro Ediciones, and the Walker Art Center’s The Gradient. Federico has taught undergraduate and graduate courses at the Rhode Island School of Design and California College of the Arts. He has lectured and acted as a visiting critic at schools such as CalArts, The New School, UNAM, and Hongik University. In addition, Federico has advanced a number of experimental educational initiatives. He recently founded Materia Abierta, a summer program on theory, art, and technology in Mexico City. Previously, Federico developed Second Thoughts, a series of lectures, workshops, and discussions on contemporary design at Fundación Alumnos and Museo Tamayo. Alongside Roxana Fabius, he is the co-founder of (human) learning, an itinerant study group that has been hosted in spaces such as P! in New York City, Art Center/South Florida in Miami, Florida, and ZONAMACO in Mexico City. In 2013, he received an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design.