The Art and Design Equipment Cage (CSB Room 217) will be back to full operation starting on September 1, 2021.
Our anticipated schedule for the Fall 2021 Semester is:
Mondays-Thursdays 11-6
Fridays 12-3:30
All equipment reservations and transactions will be carried out via Cheqroom, our online equipment management system. If you are in a Media , Photo, Design, Drawing Animation course or are a grad student, you should be receiving a Cheqroom invite and documentation.
If you did not receive an invite, please contact Damian Catera at
Some Guidelines for Reserving, Checking Out Equipment
1-Generally, equipment is signed out for 2-day intervals.
2- Please do not show up to the Equipment Cage without a confirmed reservation.Your reservation is confirmed when you receive email notification from Cheqroom, it will appear in the comments thread of your reservation. Keep an eye on your emails!!
3-Make sure to install the Cheqroom app on your phone. This will expedite the process greatly when you come in to pick up your equipment.
4-Students are not allowed to physically enter the Equipment Cage.
5- You cannot self renew equipment. You must contact the Cage via the comments field of your checkout record to request a renewal. This should be done well in advance of your renewal request.
6-Fees apply for late returns of equipment
7-All CDC and Rutgers Covid-19 safety guidelines apply when visiting the cage.
For Cheqroom Video Documentation, please go to