a statue of a Buddha views its own image on a television

Art and Design Equipment Cage Fall 2021


The Art and Design Equipment Cage (CSB Room 217) will be back to full operation starting on September 1, 2021.

Our anticipated schedule for the Fall 2021 Semester is:

Mondays-Thursdays 11-6
Fridays 12-3:30

All equipment reservations and transactions will be carried out via Cheqroom, our online equipment management system. If you are in a Media , Photo, Design, Drawing Animation course or are a grad student, you should be receiving a Cheqroom invite and documentation.

If you did not receive an invite, please contact Damian Catera at catera@mgsa.rutgers.edu

Some Guidelines for Reserving, Checking Out Equipment

1-Generally, equipment is signed out for 2-day intervals. 

2- Please do not show up to the Equipment Cage without a confirmed reservation.Your reservation is confirmed when you receive email notification from Cheqroom, it will appear in the comments thread of your reservation. Keep an eye on your emails!!

3-Make sure to install the Cheqroom app on your phone. This will expedite the process greatly when you come in to pick up your equipment.

4-Students are not allowed to physically enter the Equipment Cage.

5- You cannot self renew equipment. You must contact the Cage via the comments field of your checkout record to request a renewal. This should be done well in advance of your renewal request.

6-Fees apply for late returns of equipment

7-All CDC and Rutgers Covid-19 safety guidelines apply when visiting the cage. 

For Cheqroom Video Documentation, please go to http://art.rutgers.edu/cheqroom